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We want to REACH you...Our Mission at Colorado Indonesian American Sevent-day Adventist Church is Kingdom Building through the Great Commission of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). Our Aim as a church "together" is living a lifestyle committed to the un-believer and the believer (2 Timothy 2:15) for the sake of the gospel given by Christ to all humanity.  Our Statement of Faith as Seventh-day Adventist Christians is to hold to the truths found in the Holy Scriptures.

We want to EQUIP you...for Christian service in the church, in the community. The two-fold mission of Christ in Kingdom Building, to make disciples by baptizing them into the Family of God, to reaching the un-believer, and as well equipping emerging spiritual believers to be leaders of the gospel message in the context God has for them in Christian service. We want you to always be Connecting, Growing, and Maintaining Fellowship with the Father, Family, Brethren, Community of God, in Kingdom Building.

We want you to Connect, Grow, and Maintain... fellowship with the Father...By Connecting you to Godand by Growing into understanding the way God communicates, we can become better co-communicators. With Growth an individual, or by extension a whole group, progress in their understanding of the Gospel, as God’s sovereign grace then begins to illuminate their hearts and in their Character.

We want you to Maintain your "followship", your discipleship and fellowship with the Father and Son. By maintaining discipleship you will then be able to be released Competent and bear fruit as a realDisciple, passionate about winning the lost, making disciples of all nations, and mentoring new emerging believers to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ. Discipleship! Reaching and Equipping!  

How does Whittier Seventh-day Adventist Church Reach and Equip..?  

Answer... through Outlets and Specific ministries' including... the Home Cell Group (TLC), Sabbath School, Worship Service, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Adult Ministry, Music Ministry and Community Programs and Services and with Affliated Resources. 


Our church strategy is to reach and equip with the Entry points or outlets, reaching the unbeliever and or equipping believers, and families, for their context and service, to be real Disciples and engage the 21st century culture with the Unconditional Love of God through His Son Jesus Christ with the Salvific Vision of the Father's Heart and The Work Done by His Son.


Getting Involved with Church, Family, Community:  

Whittier Church wants you to be passionate about your Purpose by you being able to engage the cultural landscape of people's lives. Our purpose is to give a learning experience in and through our Ministries designed with an interdisciplinary focus to fulfill the vision of the church as a commissioned "whole" body of believers.By getting and being engaged of the Father's Heart for you and other's, the church's mission from Christ, you will then want to Engage the Culture, your family, your friends, your community with the Father's Heart.    

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